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Leveraging the Power of Personalised Invitations on LinkedIn®


The LinkedIn® algorithm loves to help people to gain benefit from its platform. This ‘benefit’ can come in the form of economic or business growth, or indeed improved prospects for professional networking. With a firm focus on inviting people to join your network, LinkedIn® enables connections to be made with a simple click and opportunities to unfold with every scroll. However, one tool stands out when it comes to successful engagements: the personalised invitation.

While the platform facilitates connections through standard invitations, it's the personalised touch that sets the stage for meaningful interactions, opens doors to new possibilities and fosters genuine relationships in the professional sphere. It is also a commonly held belief, that personalised invitations will result in a greater success rate. If you can create a point of relevance or relatability with your invitee, they are more likely to respond more favourably.

At the heart of LinkedIn®'s invitation system lies a balance between connectivity and quality. LinkedIn® itself states that its commitment to safeguarding member experience underscores the importance of personalised invitations. These invitations not only demonstrate a genuine interest in connecting but also respect the recipient's time.

The Power of Personalisation: 

Personalised invitations are akin to a digital handshake, a courteous introduction that goes beyond the mere exchange of names. By taking the time to craft a personalised message, you demonstrate sincerity, relevance, care and a clear intent behind the connection request. Whether you're reaching out to a potential employer, a colleague in your industry or a thought leader in your field, a personalised invitation serves as your first impression.

Navigating Invitation Limits:

LinkedIn®'s invitation limits are set as safeguards to uphold the integrity of the platform and enhance user experience. These limits encourage users to prioritise quality over quantity in their networking efforts. While it may be tempting to send out a flurry of connection requests in a short span, it's the thoughtful, personalised invitations (written or voice noted if you want to differentiate yourself further) that yield the most fruitful outcomes.

Building Quality Connections:

In a digital ecosystem teeming with opportunities, the true currency of networking lies in the quality of connections. The recommendation is always to only send invitations only to those you know, have relevance to and trust. Whether you're reconnecting with former colleagues, reaching out to industry peers or expanding your professional network, each personalised invitation is an opportunity to forge a meaningful connection grounded in mutual respect and shared interests. Note: LinkedIn® caps connections on its platform at 30,000 1st-degree connections.

Strategies for Success:

Crafting a compelling personalised invitation requires a delicate balance of professionalism and personalisation. Start by addressing the recipient by name and briefly introduce yourself, highlighting any commonalities or shared experiences. Express your interest in connecting and articulate why you believe the connection would be mutually beneficial. Review the individual’s LinkedIn® profile, customise your approach appropriately, be clear and concise (character limits apply), remain polite and professional and follow-up with a direct message of thanks, once the invitation has been accepted.

  • Please avoid generic, cut and paste efforts, offering false praise and admiration. The reality is, generic invites appear redundant, often falling flat, lost in the noise of countless others vying for attention.

  • In addition, an invitation is not the place to sell… going straight for the hard sales pitch is a definite red flag for so many LinkedIn® members. LinkedIn® etiquette states that sales are made once a trusting and professional relationship has been established.

When it comes to professional networking, personalised invitations serve as the cornerstone of meaningful connections. By leveraging the power of personalisation, you can transcend the ‘digital divide’, forge genuine relationships, stand out from your competition and unlock new opportunities on LinkedIn®.

As we navigate the intricacies of invitation limits and connectivity, keep in mind that behind every connection request lies the potential for collaboration, mentorship and professional growth.


Reach out to us at FFC for information about our LinkedIn® Presentations and profile optimisation services.

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